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- Abalone Sea
- Absicon
- Abstract Sky
- Abstrakte
- Acacia Blossom
- Accolade
- Acoustic
- Adobe Pearl
- Adventure Berry
- Aegaeon
- Aegean Sea
- Aeolian
- Aergul
- Aerial View
- Aero
- Aeshma
- Aestral
- Afgha
- Afina
- Afshin
- Agate Gaza
- Agno
- Aiyla
- Ajanta
- Akina
- Alani Custard
- Alba
- Albarracin
- Albescent
- Alda
- Alice
- All Gold
- Alluring Sky
- Almens
- Almond Fudge
- Almond Sand
- Almost Ivory
- Aloof
- Alpaca
- Alpana
- Alperen
- Alpine
- Alpine Posh
- Alpine Rose
- Alstroemeria
- Amaryllis
- Amazon Leaf
- Amber Wood
- Amethyne
- Amphitrite
- Anantha
- Anastasia
- Ancient Elegance
- Ancient Wood
- Andes
- Angel Wing
- Angelic Cobalt
- Angelic Touch
- Angelica Petals
- Angelique
- Angora Touch
- Anise
- Aniseed Ball
- Antarctic Tern
- Antares
- Antheia
- Antique Bisque
- Antique Lace
- Antique Spring
- Apple Icing
- Apricot Sparks
- April Sun
- Aqua Crystal
- Aqua Electra
- Aqua Flora
- Aqua Foam
- Aqua Islands
- Aqualake
- Arabian Jade
- Aranyani
- Arayna
- Arbaz
- Arctic Entry
- Ares
- Argyle Tiles
- Arizona Sun
- Armada
- Armenian Valley
- Arni
- Arosa
- Arousing Score
- Artemisia
- Artistic Flair
- Ash Bark
- Ash Gauze
- Ash Spray
- Ash Wednesday
- Ashberry
- Ashton
- Ashvata
- Asparagus
- Assens
- Aster Sky
- Asteroid Fuel
- Astrid Veil
- Astris
- Atlantic Sea
- Atlantica
- Atlantis Sky
- Atlas
- Atrium Cake
- Attalens
- Attica
- August Grass
- Aurelius
- Aurora Garden
- Auspicious
- Austria
- Austria Sky
- Autumn Leaf
- Autumn Twig
- Autumn Valley
- Away Opera
- Awning
- Aysel
- Azalea Garden
- Azalea Rose
- Azra
- Aztec Rouge
- Azure Archer
- Baby Champagne
- Baden
- Baghdad
- Baked Roll
- Balboa Mist
- Bali Sea
- Balian
- Ballaton
- Ballens
- Ballet Slipper
- Ballet Taffy
- Bamboo
- Ban Rak
- Banana Cream
- Banaphool
- Banos
- Bar Harbor
- Barbie
- Barefoot Beach
- Bargen
- Barley Lite
- Barley Ridge
- Basic Berry
- Bassinet
- Bassinet Sapphire
- Bath Salts
- Batik Angels
- Bay Breeze
- Bayadere
- Bayonne
- Beach Maze
- Beach Waves
- Bear Shadow
- Beeswax
- Begonia
- Belfort
- Bentley Peace
- Berken
- Berrak
- Berries Cream
- Berry Crush
- Berry Shots
- Bertha
- Beyond Eden
- Beyond Royal
- Bianco
- Big Boulder
- Big Plateau
- Billboard Lemon
- Birches
- Bisque
- Bisque Beauty
- Black Sand
- Blade Seashore
- Blanched
- Blanched Almond
- Blazing Sapphire
- Bleached Wood
- Blemished Cherry
- Blessed Day
- Bliss Bay
- Bliss Dream
- Bliss Heart
- Blissful Garden
- Blissful Nori
- Blissful Space
- Blizzard Grove
- Bloom Season
- Blooming Flannel
- Bluebell
- Bluebell Net
- Bluebird Song
- Blueshadow
- Bluish Ash
- Blush Balance
- Blush Ribbon
- Blush Spitzer
- Blushing Brick
- Blushing Skies
- Blythe
- Boardwalk
- Boeing Ash
- Bold Jade
- Bolzano
- Bonnet House
- Bora Bora
- Botanic Heaven
- Botany Brick
- Boulder Creek
- Bourbon
- Bradberry Mountain
- Bradford Tan
- Brazil Nut
- Brick
- Bridal Party
- Bridgerton
- Bright Brook
- Bright Frost
- Brilliant Jute
- Briona
- Bristoe
- Bristre Coffee
- Britannica
- British Tan
- Brittany
- Broadway
- Broken Hourglass
- Bronze Amulet
- Bronze Trophy
- Brook View
- Brown Sugar
- Brownies
- Brush Stroke
- Bubbly Smile
- Buckskin
- Buffed
- Bufftone
- Bugle Light
- Burnished Opera
- Burnt Ash
- Burnt Metal
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber
- Buron
- Buseno
- Busy Bean
- Butter Beans
- Butter Rum
- Buttercorn
- Buttercup
- Butterfly Bush
- Buttermelt
- Butterscotch
- Bypass Space
- Cabernet
- Calamansi
- Calcutta Rain
- Caledonia
- California Dream
- Calluna Blossom
- Calm Birds
- Calm Breeze
- Calm Dew
- Calm Floral
- Calm Sunset
- Calm Winter
- Calypso Time
- Cameo Rose
- Cameron Court
- Cameroon
- Canary
- Candy Coated
- Candy Floss
- Candy Trail
- Cango Buff
- Canton Gold
- Cappadocia Rice
- Captivating
- Caramel Cascade
- Caramel Custard
- Caramel Dates
- Caramel Twist
- Carbon
- Cardinal
- Carib
- Caribbean Bone
- Carmel Sea
- Carnation
- Carnival
- Carolina
- Carolina Strand
- Carpet Clouds
- Carpi
- Carrara
- Cassiopee
- Cast Ashore
- Castle Combe
- Castletown
- Cattail Toast
- Celeste
- Cerulean Lapis
- Ceylon
- Chamois
- Chancy
- Chandani
- Check Check
- Cheddar
- Cheese
- Chelsea Fog
- Cherry
- Cherry Blossom
- Cherry Crush
- Cherry Swift
- Cherubin Cheeks
- Chill Buff
- Chilled Fren
- Chisel
- Chiswick
- Chorus Rouge
- Cinnamon Tea
- Cinzo
- Circe
- Circuit Sky
- Citrus Spice
- Citrus Wind
- City Aroma
- City Morning
- Claremont
- Clarity
- Classic Liberty
- Clear Saber
- Clear Skies
- Clear Sun
- Clementine
- Cliffside
- Clio
- Cloud Cotton
- Cloud Dover
- Cloud Nyne
- Cloud Over
- Clouded Planet
- Cloudless Sky
- Clove Hitch
- Coastal Crush
- Coated Hazel
- Cobbled Path
- Cobblestone
- Cocoa Cupcake
- Cocoa Root
- Coconut Mist
- Coffee Day
- Coffee River
- Colleen Garden
- Combed Pearl
- Comfort Sand
- Condare
- Confetti Party
- Conifer
- Convergence
- Conway
- Cookie Jar
- Cool Canopy
- Cool Crystal
- Cool Smoke
- Cool Twilight
- Copper Coin
- Coppertone Tan
- Coral Blush
- Coral Grazing
- Coral Polyp
- Coral Rocks
- Coral Shell
- Coral Spray
- Corn Cape
- Corn Grass
- Corn Topaz
- Cornflower
- Corundum
- Cosmic Green
- Cosmic Latte
- Cosmic Navy
- Cosmic Rays
- Cosmos
- Costume Shade
- Cottage
- Country Club
- Country Home
- Countryside
- Cowhide
- Cowry
- Cranberry Angel
- Crater Sea
- Crazy Rich
- Creamed Honey
- Creamette
- Creamy Amber
- Creamy Crust
- Creamy Seed
- Creek Pepper
- Creek Woods
- Creme Brulee
- Cremona
- Crepe Wagon
- Crescent
- Crescent Land
- Crescent Moon
- Cressida
- Crest
- Crimson Damask
- Crimson Depth
- Crimson Eclipse
- Crimson Jam
- Crisp Linen
- Crisp Rays
- Crocus
- Cromwell
- Croquet Fren
- Crosswort Meadow
- Crotone
- Crowd Work
- Crown Peacock
- Crushed Lace
- Crushed Strawberry
- Crustacean
- Crystal Ice
- Crystal Moon
- Cuckoo
- Cucumber Salad
- Cult Secret
- Cultured Pearl
- Cumhur
- Cupid Heart
- Curacao
- Curio
- Custard Touch
- Cute Boutique
- Cvetka
- Cypress Slopes
- Daffodil
- Dahlia
- Daily Grind
- Dailywish
- Daisy
- Daisy Chain
- Daisypuff
- Dalmuir Mews
- Damask Dream
- Dancing Sea
- Danube Sky
- Dariya
- Dark Cloud
- Dark Fawn
- Dark Pebble
- Dark Rays
- Dark Spot
- Dark Water
- Darner
- Darwin Crystal
- Dawn Glow
- Dawn Pie
- Day Spring
- Daze Bayou
- Dazzling Calm
- Dearest One
- Decastle Jade
- Deep Faith
- Deep Forest
- Deep Glory
- Deep Rosette
- Deep Saffron
- Deep Sky
- Deep Space
- Deepest Coffee
- Deepsea
- Delara
- Delicate Song
- Delight Glow
- Delmare
- Delphi
- Delphinium
- Denim Drift
- Desert Adobe
- Desert Amber
- Desert Punch
- Diamond Knits
- Digital Damask
- Dinosaur Ride
- Ditzy
- Diva Oasis
- Diving Pool
- Divinity Cream
- Dolphin Dance
- Domino Garden
- Dove Plume
- Dragon Heart
- Dream Musk
- Dreamer Corner
- Dreamlight
- Dreamy Candy
- Dreamy Canvas
- Dreamy Day
- Dried Herb
- Drift House
- Drifting By
- Drifting Dune
- Drifting Snow
- Drizzle
- Dry Lotus
- Dubris
- Dusk Cloud
- Dusky Bark
- Dusty Oak
- Dutchess Crepe
- Earth Angels
- Earthly Estate
- Ecru Olive
- Eden Soil
- Edenic
- Eira
- Eirene
- Eldoris
- Electric Bravo
- Elemental
- Elephanta
- Elmas
- Elowen
- Elsa
- Elysia
- Elysian
- Emerald Accent
- Emeth
- Emine
- Empoli
- Empress Gold
- Enchanted Cream
- Endless Love
- Engaging
- English Scape
- English Vermillion
- Equator
- Espana
- Esperance Smoke
- Essen
- Eternal Shores
- Ether
- Ethnic Talc
- Eureka
- Evasive Sun
- Eve Pastures
- Eve Willow
- Evening Gown
- Evening light
- Evening Ocean
- Eveninglight
- Everlasting
- Exotic Bloom
- Exotic Spice
- Face Powder
- Fairview
- Faith
- Faithful
- Falling Wisterias
- Fancyfall
- Fandango
- Fantan
- Farben
- Farm Fresh
- Feather Snow
- Felice
- Felix
- Felted Road
- Fennel
- Feriha
- Fermo
- Fervent Fuchsia
- Festival Blush
- Festive
- Festive Gold
- Fiery Sunset
- Fig Shell
- Fijian
- Fiora
- Fiorina
- Firdaus
- Fire Florals
- Fired Clay
- First Frost
- Fizzy Cola
- Flat Fields
- Fleeting Thought
- Flint Coat
- Flora Park
- Florence
- Florence Jewel
- Florence Sea
- Florista
- Flower Fragrance
- Flower Girl
- Flowing Cove
- Flowing River
- Fluffy Ice
- Fluid Sail
- Flyer Jet
- Flying Fox
- Foam Sand
- Foamy Ashen
- Foggy Hills
- Foggy Horizon
- Foliage Bay
- Folkestone
- Folklore
- Foraged Fare
- Forest Dove
- Forest Garden
- Forest Gust
- Forest Maze
- Forest Park
- Forest Petals
- Forest Sands
- Forest Shade
- Forest Valley
- Forsythia
- Fountain Ink
- Fourier Mirage
- Fragrant Peak
- Frappe Mint
- Freezing Spring
- French Haze
- French Manicure
- French Rice
- French Riviera
- Fresca
- Fresh Hyssop
- Fresh Lawn
- Fresh Night
- Fresh Pavilion
- Fresh Spice
- Fresque Mist
- Frost Dew
- Frostbell
- Frosted Folklore
- Frosted Globes
- Frosted Lace
- Frosted Leaf
- Frosty Slate
- Frozen Delight
- Frozen Ivy
- Fudge
- Full Blossoms
- Full Flush
- Fullers Earth
- Gadmen
- Garden Glory
- Garden Hood
- Garden Landscape
- Genoa
- Gentle Breeze
- Gentle Essence
- Gentle Tropics
- Gently Raining
- Gerua
- Giethoorn Pecan
- Gift Box
- Girish Grin
- Glacier
- Glacier Creek
- Glacier Ridge
- Glane
- Glasgow
- Glass Shower
- Glazed Pottery
- Glazed Shimmer
- Glazed Stucco
- Gleaming Garden
- Glee
- Glimpse Sand
- Glinted
- Glitched Argyle
- Glorious Scarlet
- Glory Grass
- Glowing Lava
- Glowing Moon
- Gold Coin
- Gold Gleam
- Gold Submarine
- Golden Bloom
- Golden Chance
- Golden Fleece
- Golden Glaze
- Golden Shell
- Golden Wheat
- Goldenrod
- Goldfinch
- Goldfish
- Gordes Wood
- Gosling Rock
- Gossamer Sand
- Gossamer Snow
- Gothic Ametist
- Gothic Gold
- Graffiti Jade
- Granola
- Grape Gat
- Grape Vineyard
- Graphite Gleam
- Grass Daisy
- Grass Field
- Graycloth
- Great Canyon
- Great Exploration
- Grecian Olive
- Greek Tinged
- Greenery Dash
- Greige Haze
- Gryon
- Guarda
- Gulnur
- Gulzar
- Gunmetal
- Gypsum
- Gypsy Wind
- Hagneck
- Hakan
- Hallstatt
- Hamilton
- Handwritten
- Happy Java
- Hara
- Haria
- Harrison Coin
- Harvest Season
- Harvest Time
- Hatice
- Havermark
- Haystack
- Hazan
- Hazy Gravel
- Hearth
- Hearth Sun
- Heartwood
- Heartwood Coffee
- Heather
- Heather Mist
- Heaven Swing
- Heavenly Glow
- Heavenly Lake
- Helius
- Hemlock Rose
- Herb Butter
- Herbland
- Herrington
- Hey Jude
- Hickory
- High Hiding
- High Sonnet
- Highlighted Sun
- Highway Inferno
- Hillcrest
- Himalayan Ice
- Hipster Smoke
- Hiranur
- Hollow Granite
- Honey Cream
- Honey Dew
- Honey Twig
- Honeysuckle
- Horgen
- Horizon Sea
- Horizon Sky
- Hot Cream
- Hot Stew
- Hurricane Lamp
- Hushed Hue
- Hydra Wreath
- Hydrangea
- Hydrangea Sea
- Ice Cyan
- Ice Florals
- Ice Lagoon
- Ice Pack
- Ice Peak
- Iced Moon
- Icy Ivy
- Icy Peak
- Idalia
- Idyllic Thread
- Imperial Land
- Imperial Veil
- Increda
- Indian Cress
- Indigo Gem
- Indigo Sea
- Indivar Breeze
- Infant Smile
- Inglot
- Inkpad
- Inner Depth
- Inner Lime
- Instinct
- Intense Rose
- Iris
- Iris Floss
- Iris Planet
- Iron Bar
- Iron Chord
- Iruya Pearl
- Island Retreat
- Isle Sea
- Ivory Gull
- Ivory Tusk
- Ivory Whisper
- Jacaranda Hat
- Jaisalmer
- Jam
- Jam Earth
- Jamaican
- Jasmine Honey
- Jasmine Wisp
- Java Jive
- Jeffer Valley
- Jester Olive
- Jonquil
- Jovana
- Jovial Forest
- Joyful Jasper
- Joyful Sky
- Joyride
- Jumbo
- Jungle Flora
- Juniper Berry
- Kabuki
- Kagaz
- Kai
- Kalama
- Kalista
- Kalk Bay
- Kavya
- Kazan
- Kendari
- Kew Garden
- Key Lime
- Khadi Pole
- Khiva Sand
- Khizar
- Kinsley
- Kiwi Boost
- Kiwi Gold
- Knight Fossil
- Koala Streak
- Kolam
- Kudret
- Labyrinth Moss
- Lacquered Maple
- Lago Verde
- Lagos
- Lake Sapphire
- Lake Shadow
- Landscape Pine
- Laotian Jade
- Lara Theme
- Larkin Sunset
- Laser Snow
- Latina
- Laurel Wreath
- Lausen
- Lavang Choco
- Lavaux
- Lavender Haze
- Lavish Gold
- Lead Blush
- Leaf Curry
- Leaping Hush
- Lemon Burst
- Lemon Ginger
- Lemon Grass
- Lemon Pendant
- Lemonade
- Lenora
- Lentil Flower
- Liberty Ash
- Light Butter
- Light Caramel
- Light Drizzle
- Light Halo
- Light Latte
- Light Mcintosh
- Light Murals
- Light Nutmeg
- Light Pewter
- Light Sky
- Light Tulip
- Lightly Peached
- Lilac Gaga
- Lilac Gate
- Lilac Labyrinth
- Lilac Lines
- Lilies Essence
- Lilting Moss
- Lime Edge
- Lime Mint
- Lime Soda
- Limon
- Lined Leaves
- Linen Bone
- Liquid Sand
- Lisianthus
- Lit Ember
- Lively Leaf
- Lobster Jade
- Locarno
- Lofty Dream
- Lolite Stone
- Long Lake
- Long Shadow
- Looming Night
- Loreto
- Los Cabos
- Lost Crush
- Lovely Jewels
- Lovely Maiden
- Lovely Swan
- Lovery Dovery
- Lovin Posh
- Loving Blond
- Lower Hutt
- Lucent Brass
- Luminous
- Luminous Peace
- Lunar Shine
- Lush Foliage
- Lush Meadows
- Lush Sisal
- Lustre Sky
- Lyon
- Macaroon Pearl
- MacKenzie
- Magic Smoke
- Magical Cloud
- Magician Code
- Magnet Box
- Magnet Hills
- Magnum Tinge
- Maize Stalk
- Majestic Garden
- Malabar
- Malabar Hills
- Malabar Sunset
- Malakh
- Malawi
- Maldives Sand
- Manami
- Mandawa
- Mango Delight
- Manuka
- Maple Dune
- Marari Beach
- Marbelle
- Marble Mist
- Marble Stone
- Margaric
- Margarita
- Mariel
- Marine Florals
- Marissa Veil
- Marjoram
- Marlin
- Maroon Spring
- Marshmellow Whip
- Marvelous Rose
- Masa
- Massa
- Maur
- Mauve Fog
- Mauve Spring
- Mayfair
- Meadowbrook
- Megalopolis
- Mehmet
- Mehtap
- Melodious Ocean
- Melon Rose
- Melon Seed
- Melon Tea
- Melted Cream
- Melting Memories
- Merano
- Meringue
- Mermaid Pond
- Micah
- Mid Cream
- Midas Prominence
- Midas Touch
- Midnight Clouds
- Midnight Sapphire
- Milagro
- Milan
- Mild Sea
- Milk Cake
- Milky Aura
- Mind Optimizers
- Mineral Stone
- Mint Crushed
- Mint Custard
- Mint Essence
- Mint Moss
- Mirage Shade
- Miray
- Mission Frost
- Misty Meadow
- Misty Radiance
- Misty River
- Misty Stone
- Misty Willow
- Moana
- Mocassin
- Mocha Mousse
- Moleno
- Monet Grape
- Monsoon Midnight
- Montage
- Monza
- Moody Carpet
- Moon Dance
- Moonflower
- Moonlight Drive
- Moonlit Punch
- Moonstone
- Morden
- Morn Dew
- Morning Blend
- Morning Cuppa
- Morning Fog
- Morning Haze
- Moroccan Escape
- Mosaic Tile
- Mosley
- Moss Bean
- Moss Campus
- Moss City
- Mossy Garden
- Mossy Thorn
- Mossy Waterfall
- Mossymello
- Mountain Lake
- Mountain Springs
- Mozarts
- Mozza Heaven
- Muesli Rye
- Mulberry Blush
- Mulberry Salt
- Mulhouse
- Murano
- Murcia
- Mushroom
- Mustard Shake
- Mute Salt
- My Knapsack
- Mysterious Mane
- Mystery Twist
- Mystic Midnight
- Mystic Rage
- Mystique
- Mythos
- Naiad
- Nanette
- Nantes
- Napier
- Nardo
- Narin
- Narni
- Nasturtium
- Native Leaves
- Natural Calico
- Natural Cedar
- Natural Linen
- Natural Oak
- Nature Galaxy
- Nature Garnish
- Nautical Mile
- Navajo Crystal
- Naval Club
- Navala Mint
- Navy Archer
- Nebulous
- Neptune Liner
- Nermin
- Neutral Stance
- New Bloom
- New Mist
- Niagara Nights
- Niagara Sea
- Nickel
- Nicole Smile
- Night Cafe
- Niroop
- Nivara
- Nivelle
- Noble Brews
- Noise Amber
- Nordic Sea
- Norma
- Norse
- Northern Fields
- Nostalgia Apple
- Nuoro
- Nuray
- Nurten
- Nut Eyes
- Nutella Nebula
- Nutmeg
- Nyx
- Oak Parquet
- Obelisk
- Ocean Cruise
- Ocean Eyes
- Ocean Florals
- Ocean Wave
- Oceanus
- Octane Bistro
- Odessa
- Ojasvat
- Old Grass
- Old Pub
- Old Scroll
- Old Souvenir
- Old Spice
- Olea
- Olive Drab
- Olivero Gold
- Olivia Snow
- Olivine
- Ollon
- Olsberg
- Olympian Sand
- Olympian Sea
- Opal
- Opal Weave
- Open Courtyard
- Open Range
- Opulence
- Orca
- Orlena
- Orvin
- Outdoor Breeze
- Oyster Shell
- Pacifica
- Palace Walls
- Palawan
- Pale Ale
- Pale Aqua
- Pale Cordovan
- Pale Diamond
- Pale Dream
- Pale Dune
- Pale Ivy
- Pale Rust
- Pale Sable
- Pale Smile
- Pale Truffle
- Paloma
- Panama Wood
- Papaya Whip
- Paper Crafts
- Paper Houses
- Paper Moon
- Paradise Chocolate
- Paradise Water
- Parakeet Pete
- Parasol
- Party Girl
- Pastel Pine
- Pasture Moss
- Patchouli
- Patrician Iris
- Peace Point
- Peaceful
- Pearl Bank
- Pearl Drift
- Pearl Necklace
- Pearl Star
- Pebble
- Pebble Coast
- Pebble Path
- Pebble Walk
- Peekaboo
- Peking Honey
- Peking Surf
- Pekoe Amber
- Peony
- Pepper Tree
- Periwinkle
- Perm
- Persephone
- Persian Linen
- Persian Sand
- Persian Sea
- Petal Fountain
- Petite Flame
- Phoenix Fossil
- Picard
- Picker Grass
- Pickled
- Picnic Basket
- Pilgrim Haze
- Pinaar
- Pinar
- Pine Choc
- Pine Whisper
- Pinecone
- Pippin
- Pita Pocket
- Placid Shade
- Placid View
- Platinum Disc
- Platinum Glo
- Playful Tints
- Pleasant Lake
- Plum Crest
- Plum Dawn
- Pluto
- Polar Heights
- Polar Purity
- Pomelo
- Pompadour
- Pompano
- Pond Moss
- Ponte Tresa
- Ponza
- Poolside Party
- Poppy Seeds
- Porcelain
- Porcelain Clouds
- Porcelain Pin
- Port Fairy
- Port Ice
- Portia
- Porto
- Porto Torres
- Posey
- Posey Fern
- Potters Wheel
- Prairie Gold
- Prelude
- Presley
- Primrose Bunch
- Princess Crown
- Pristine Paradise
- Promise Dune
- Puffin
- Pumpkin Grove
- Pure Dream
- Pure Emotions
- Puritan Snow
- Purity
- Purple Wish
- Qatrah
- Queens Park
- Queso Queen
- Quick Willow
- Quickbay Cream
- Quiet Cove
- Quiet Evening
- Quiet Game
- Ra Gold
- Radiant Weave
- Radiant Wing
- Ragi Coffee
- Rain Song
- Rainier
- Raintwirl
- Rainy Day
- Raisin Dough
- Ralina
- Rambling Beat
- Ramsen
- Rare Opal
- Raspberry Glow
- Raspberry Linen
- Raspberry Rose
- Raspberry Sorbet
- Rattan Palm
- Rave Tint
- Raven Sky
- Ravenna
- Ravinia
- Raw Dream
- Redwood
- Regal Cup
- Regency
- Regur Soil
- Reit
- Reliable Sea
- Renens
- Restful Touch
- Rhapsody
- Riaz
- Rice Powder
- Rich Flavour
- Rich Hatch
- Rich Prune
- Rich Rouge
- Ridgepole
- Ridgeview
- Riesling
- Riga
- Riley
- Ring Meringue
- Ripe Carolina
- Rising Tide
- River Creek
- Robe Royal
- Robin Cotton
- Rockslide
- Rodeo Ruby
- Rosalyn
- Rose Carnation
- Rose Clover
- Rose Dust
- Rose Glow
- Rose Melody
- Rose Parasol
- Rose Pearl
- Roseberry Bits
- Rosenberg
- Rovigo
- Rowie
- Roxbury
- Royal Aeon
- Royal Azure
- Royal Gardens
- Royal Joy
- Royal Salad
- Royal Seal
- Royal Triumph
- Royale Gold
- Rubeus
- Rubine Bloom
- Rugged Amethyst
- Runnymede
- Rush Hour
- Rustic Bell
- Rustic Earth
- Rustic Fall
- Rustic Leather
- Rustic Seed
- Ruzanna
- Ryder
- Sable Bister
- Sachet
- Sacramento
- Saddle Column
- Saddle Hide
- Saddle Wood
- Sage Bouquet
- Sage Garden
- Sahara
- Sahara Showers
- Sahara Sun
- Salenstein
- Salmon Rush
- Salty Lily
- Salvan
- Sanctuary
- Sanctuary Jade
- Sand Dune
- Sand Tassles
- Sandstone
- Sandy Hollow
- Sandy Pebble
- Saphyre
- Sapphire
- Sapphire Splash
- Sashay Rose
- Sashiko
- Satin Gold
- Satin Ribbons
- Satin Sheet
- Savanna
- Savosa
- Saxony
- Scallop Shell
- Scallops
- Scoria
- Sea Horse
- Sea Ink
- Sea Jumpers
- Sea Kelp
- Sea Lobster
- Sea Oats
- Sea Pool
- Sea Trace
- Sea Vessel
- Sea Waltz
- Sea Waves
- Sea Yonder
- Seafoam Bus
- Sealock
- Seamless
- Seashell Ice
- Seashell Lake
- Seashell Water
- Seashells
- Seashore
- Seashore Water
- Seaside Lodge
- Sedan
- Seeland
- Selene
- Senecio
- Sensitive Fern
- Sepia
- Sequel Extract
- Sequoia Mocha
- Seraphic Loom
- Seraphina
- Serenade
- Serenade Forge
- Serene Coast
- Serene Quartz
- Serenity
- Set Square
- Sevda
- Shaded Garden
- Shaded Pond
- Shadow Lime
- Shadowed Ash
- Shadowy
- Shady Grove
- Shamrock Villa
- Sharp Navy
- Sheer Moss
- Sherwood Forest
- Shipside Admiral
- Shirakawa Peanut
- Shocking Lemon
- Shooting Stars
- Shortbread
- Shrimp
- Sicilian Summer
- Sidika
- Sienna Cobble
- Sienna Edge
- Sierra Snow
- Siesta
- Silent Beryl
- Silica Dream
- Silky Pie
- Silky Sand
- Silver Lining
- Silver Pot
- Silver Stone
- Silverberry Ash
- Simple Spell
- Simply Elegant
- Simply Pepita
- Sion
- Sizzling Sunrise
- Ski Adventure
- Ski Valley
- Skier Trail
- Sky Marines
- Sky Mesh
- Sky Splash
- Sky Tint
- Sky Waves
- Slate Crest
- Sleek Sea
- Slovenia Ash
- Smile Blade
- Smoke Hush
- Smoke Screen
- Smoke Silhouette
- Smokeytone
- Smoky Ash
- Smooth Complexion
- Snorkeling Lace
- Snow Penguins
- Snow Rabbit
- Snow Sand
- Snow Season
- Snow Shadow
- Snow Top
- Snow Whisper
- Snowbound
- Snowcapped
- Snowfall
- Snowflake
- Sofora
- Soft Biscuit
- Soft Breeze
- Soft Bud
- Soft Chenille
- Soft Creek
- Soft Cuddle
- Soft Cushion
- Soft Fur
- Soft Glance
- Soft Lumiere
- Soft Mist
- Soft Moccasin
- Soft Nougat
- Soft Petals
- Soft Snow
- Soft Vanilla
- Soil Bowl
- Solanthea
- Soleil
- Solitaire
- Solitary Snow
- Solomon
- Solstice
- Solstice Glaze
- Somber
- Sombero Tan
- Sonata
- Sonic Silver
- Soul Rain
- Soulful Glow
- Sourdough
- South Seas
- Southern Forest
- Space Sparkle
- Spanish
- Sparkling Sea
- Spice Shop
- Spice Tea
- Spiced Honey
- Spiney Moss
- Spirit Wind
- Spirited Away
- Splashing Trees
- Splattered Raindrops
- Sports Inkjet
- Sports Petal
- Spotless
- Spray Mist
- Spring Blaze
- Spring Fennel
- Spring Grass
- Sprizzle
- Spruce Grove
- Spruce River
- Standing Still
- Stardust Sand
- Starless Gaze
- Starlight
- Starry Footprints
- Steel Tone
- Still Waters
- Stingray Stone
- Stone Age
- Stone Ash
- Stone Creek
- Stone Neutral
- Stone Shadow
- Stone Shower
- Stormy Sky
- Strawberry Muffin
- Streamwood
- Stucco
- Stunning Sense
- Subtle Elegance
- Subtle Lumiere
- Subtle Snow
- Subtlety
- Suede
- Sufi
- Sugar Babe
- Sugar Can
- Sugar Cookie
- Sugar Creamer
- Sugar Creek
- Sugar Sepia
- Sugar Snow
- Sugared Berry
- Sugarhop
- Sugee Cookie
- Sugee Potato
- Summer Haze
- Summer Lawn
- Summer Sonnet
- Summer Tan
- Summer Wheat
- Sun Dew
- Sun Glint
- Sun Necklace
- Sunday Frock
- Sundew
- Sundrenched Fairytale
- Sunflower Island
- Sunglow
- Sunkissed
- Sunlight Charm
- Sunny Coast
- Sunny Day
- Sunny Eyes
- Sunny Vale
- Sunset Boulevard
- Sunset Café
- Sunshine Smile
- Sunstone
- Sunwashed
- Super Moon
- Super Seeds
- Surfers Paradise
- Svalbard
- Swan Dots
- Swan Sea
- Sweet Appeal
- Sweet Apricot
- Sweet Bread
- Sweet Joy
- Sweet Lemon
- Sweet Macarons
- Sweet Memories
- Sweet Nougat
- Sweet Pea
- Sweet Pine
- Sweet Saphyre
- Sweet Thing
- Sweet William
- Sweth
- Swinging Sarees
- Swiri
- Swirling Whimsy
- Swish Wind
- Swiss Chance
- Swiss Coffee
- Swizzle Stick
- Swoosh
- Sylvan Mushroom
- Taaluk
- Tabris
- Tahiti Lime
- Tailored Tassles
- Tailwind
- Tajmahal
- Tamale
- Tampico
- Tan Arbor
- Tango
- Tango Carrot
- Tap Dance
- Tarragon Leaves
- Tassled Clouds
- Tattle Tan
- Taupe Ash
- Tawny Lion
- Tea Parlour
- Teaberry Blossom
- Teak
- Tegna
- Tempest Storm
- Tender Texture
- Terracotta Pot
- Tethys
- Texture Check
- Thanjavur
- Thar
- Theia
- Thiva
- Thrive Jade
- Throne Lilly
- Thrush
- Thunder Cloud
- Thunderstruck
- Tiara Bits
- Tidal Waters
- Timber Logs
- Timeless Linen
- Timur
- Tint Salt
- Tiny Tassel
- Tiny Terrace
- Toasted Almond
- Tobacco Tortilla
- Topiary
- Tortilla
- Toucans
- Touch Paprika
- Tough Spices
- Train Window
- Tranquil Sea
- Travertine
- Trinket Salt
- Trogen
- Tropical Candy
- Tropical Tan
- Truly Paradise
- Tulip Field
- Tulip Sunflower
- Tundra Mist
- Turin
- Turmeric Sprinkle
- Tuscan Tan
- Tusk Tusk
- Tussar Song
- Twilight Sea
- Twin Flower
- Twisted Cornway
- Ultra Blue
- Ultra Smooth
- Ultramarine
- Undercurrents
- Upbeat
- Uplifting Spell
- Urban Cape
- Urban Garden
- Urban Petals
- Urbane Motive
- Urbino
- Urmia
- Uster
- Valencia
- Valentano
- Valentine Moon
- Valentine Robe
- Valeria Moon
- Valhalla
- Valley Stars
- Van Dyke
- Vanilla Heart
- Vantage View
- Varna
- Varuna
- Veil
- Vella
- Vellum
- Venetian
- Venetian Turquoise
- Venus
- Verdant Hills
- Verity
- Verona
- Veronese Tree
- Vevey
- Victorian Flower
- Vienna
- Viking
- Viking Cloud
- Vineyard Passage
- Vineyard Valley
- Vintage Era
- Vintage Rose
- Viola
- Virginia Lapis
- Vital Lust
- Vitanic
- Viva Violet
- Vivacious
- Vivid
- Vivolicity
- Wafting Wave
- Waking Morn
- Wallbach
- Walnut Bark
- Walnut Echo
- Wangen
- Warm Crust
- Warmstone
- Washed Indigo
- Water Rafting
- Water Smoke
- Waveland
- Wavy Escapade
- Weathered
- Wedding Gown
- Well Weeded
- Wet Sand
- Wheat Shade
- Whiff Aroma
- Whimsical Peach
- Whisp Waltz
- Whisper Bluff
- Whispering Glow
- Whispering Smoke
- Whispering Wind
- Wild Berries
- Wild Berry
- Wild Dash
- Wild Dove
- Wild Iris
- Wild Orchids
- Wild Plum
- Wild Scape
- Wild Shack
- Wild Whisper
- Willow Pecan
- Willow Spring
- Windham
- Windless Tips
- Windsor Bird
- Windstream
- Windswept Day
- Windy Peak
- Winery
- Wing Shimmer
- Winter Fog
- Winter Garden
- Winter Moon
- Winter Nip
- Winter Peak
- Winter Snow
- Winter Solstice
- Winter Sonnet
- Winter Willow
- Wintertime
- Wispy Bits
- Wisteria
- Wizard Jade
- Wonderland
- Wood Churros
- Wood Crush
- Wood Faery
- Wood Vibe
- Wooded Wonder
- Wooden Dye
- Woodrose
- Woodwind
- Worn Whiff
- Yildiz
- Yin Yang
- Yorkshire Tinge
- Yorkshire Wood
- Young Banana
- Young Lime
- Youthful Shade
- Zaffran
- Zahabia
- Zarin
- Zebaish
- Zelie
- Zell
- Zen Touch
- Zephyra
- Zesty Dream
- Zeynep
- Ziggy
- Zinnia
- Zinnia Scent
- Zurqaa
- Zwiggy Space
Useful links
From casual to formal, from playful to traditional, our wide variety of window valance styles are timeless and chic, and provide the icing on the cake in completing your window treatments.
Offering clean lines, shapely hems, and a hint of drama, our board-mounted scalloped valances come fully lined, include all necessary hardware, and can be used standalone or as over treatments to formalize a space.
This scalloped valance comes pre-mounted on a 10cm deep board with velcro for easy installation and removal. It is dramatic in its structure and can make its presence felt with effortless ease due to the board's backing. Even a neutral-coloured fabric choice won't falter in garnering attention.
The valance dipping so gently at the scallops is its highlight feature. Garnishing this window valance with suitable trims is highly recommended to fix the spotlight on these dreamy curves. The flat, pleat-less surface of this style facilitates both plain and patterned fabric. So, this style can suit a vast variety of drapery fabrics - be they solid, patterned, printed or textured.
As is the case for all window valances, forethought is advised for patterned fabrics with large or sparse motifs as they may get trimmed if the size of the valance does not allow for full inclusion.
Size tip: When you specify the measurements for a scalloped valance, take care to mention the *lowest* point of drop on the scalloped edge as the final length.
Also note that width and number of individual scallops on each valance may vary and are up to the tailors' sole discretion. A narrow valance may have one single scallop, while a wider piece may feature multiple. Our stylists and tailors decide these based on a number of factors to get the best possible look for each piece and window.
Shipping & Delivery
Curtains & Valances: Window treatment orders are targeted for dispatch within three weeks, though we are able to ship out many orders ahead of schedule. We use DHL or FedEx with typical transit time of 3-7 days. Majority of our clients receive their packages within three weeks from the date of order, but if our pipeline happens to be busy – especially during the holiday season – we do ask for your patience and aim for delivery in four weeks.
*Some drapes and valances with trims *may* take up to six weeks as our trims are sourced from Turkey & USA, thereby adding to our processing timeline in some instances.
Swatches & Fabrics: Fabric samples and fabrics bought by metre are typically delivered within seven days of order.
Cushion Covers & Tiebacks: We do NOT sell pillow covers or tiebacks standalone. These accessories are sold and dispatched only as part of window treatment orders. Please see above for applicable timelines accordingly.
If there are any delays due to non-availability of fabric, or holds by customs officials for inspection, we will write to you as soon as possible.
- All import duties and taxes are included in our prices for shipments to the United Kingdom. For shipments to other European countries, our prices do *not* include import duties and taxes that the individual countries may impose. Buyers are solely responsible for paying any import taxes and duties once the shipment reaches their country.
- We cannot deliver to PO Box numbers so please provide a non-PO delivery address at checkout.
- FedEx offers contactless delivery for most orders and will leave the parcel at your doorstep while retaining photographic proof of delivery, while DHL requires a signature upon receipt. If no one is available to sign for the package, DHL will reattempt delivery two more times.
- Please note that we cannot coordinate deliveries on your behalf. If you miss delivery thrice from any carrier, the package will be returned to us. In such cases, we do not provide refunds or re-shipping.
Returns & Refunds
For detailed information on returns & cancellations, please click HERE.
Since each article at The White Window is cut and tailored to our customers’ exact specifications, by default, we do not accept any returns.
We recommend ordering fabric samples before placing an order as computer monitors/device screens can affect colour representation and we do not accept returns based on feedback on colour variance or personal aesthetic preferences.
From start to finish, every single product is manually handled from picking and cutting of fabric to sewing, ironing, folding and wrapping. In light of this rather intense human process, it’s not uncommon for end products to sometimes show minor signs of handling such as light tailor chalk marks, a rare stray thread, or specks of smudge from fabric production run. These minor flaws are unfortunately unavoidable, and we therefore do not accept requests for replacements or returns on these bases under any circumstances.
We follow standard industry guidelines for constructing custom window treatments, which include articles sewn with joining hems to achieve custom widths. Since joins are necessary to achieve certain sizes, we do not offer any compensation, return or replacement whatsoever on account of necessary joining hems.
Under rare circumstances where we may have made a mistake, we do consider returns on a case-by-case basis only as long as any issues/faults are communicated within five business days of receipt of merchandise.
Cancellation of orders will result in a 100% refund only if work has not started on the products. In most cases, work starts on orders within 2-3 hours of order being placed. After that, only the value of the order less costs incurred up to that point can be refunded. Since made-to-measure products are unlikely to be able to be resold, we do not offer refunds for cancellations after order is ready.
Why The White Window Curtains are Right for You
Honest Handcraft
We believe in invaluable old-world craftsmanship and the unmatched charm of human hands weaving drapes with meticulous attention to detail.
Fair Pricing
Because bespoke should not mean going broke. Give your shopaholic heart a free rein with our transparent pricing & free shipping.
Fast Delivery
Long waits aren’t our thing either. Our made-to-measure drapes reach you within just three short weeks. Yes - that easy, that fast.
Commitment to Communities
With every purchase from us, you support the craft, heritage and livelihood of artisans from a small town in India.